Dragoyle Diary

fake it til you make is so you can survive life and thrive in life and gain self confidence

6 Tips to "Fake it til you make it"

The correct interpretation is that this concept is about ramping up your confidence, pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone and learning new things. There is a plethora of research available to...

6 Tips to "Fake it til you make it"

The correct interpretation is that this concept is about ramping up your confidence, pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone and learning new things. There is a plethora of research available to...

Many of the weeds that we pull out of the garden are not only edible, but very good for us. Besides that we can always use weeds as composting material instead of just bagging and trashing.

The Weeds That You Can Use For Survival

Many of the weeds that we pull out of the garden are not only edible, but very good for us. Besides that we can always use weeds as composting material...

The Weeds That You Can Use For Survival

Many of the weeds that we pull out of the garden are not only edible, but very good for us. Besides that we can always use weeds as composting material...

6 Emergency Bunkers You Can Create On Your Property

6 Emergency Bunkers You Can Create On Your Prop...

This blog will show you 6 Emergency Bunkers that you can create on your own property. Building a bunker can feel too huge of a task for most to take on,...

6 Emergency Bunkers You Can Create On Your Prop...

This blog will show you 6 Emergency Bunkers that you can create on your own property. Building a bunker can feel too huge of a task for most to take on,...

The Amish have skills that everyone should know in order to survive a natural disaster or emergency situation.  Having emergency supplies isn't good enough, you need to be prepared in every way.

6 Amish Skills You Should Learn Before The Next...

These are the top 6 Amish Skills You Should Learn Before The Next Crisis. The Amish can teach us more about living within a world of no modern amenities than...

6 Amish Skills You Should Learn Before The Next...

These are the top 6 Amish Skills You Should Learn Before The Next Crisis. The Amish can teach us more about living within a world of no modern amenities than...

Hopefully, you'll never be in a position where you don't have any matches or a lighter to start a fire. Whether that is when you're out camping or in emergency situations.

6 Ways To Start A Fire Without Matches or a Lig...

Hopefully, you'll never be in a position where you don't have any matches or a lighter to start a fire. Whether that is when you're out camping or in emergency situations.

6 Ways To Start A Fire Without Matches or a Lig...

Hopefully, you'll never be in a position where you don't have any matches or a lighter to start a fire. Whether that is when you're out camping or in emergency situations.

Get Your Supplies Today!